Driver Education Resources

Welcome to the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition‘s library of free driver education resources designed specifically for teens, parents, caregivers, and law enforcement. Our mission is to equip young drivers with the knowledge and tools they need to make responsible decisions on the road. Whether you’re a teen learning to drive or a parent/caregiver guiding a young driver, this page is your go-to destination for educational materials and interactive resources on a variety of traffic safety subjects.

Getting access to our free driver education resources is quick and easy. Simply browse through our collection of materials, choose the resources that suit your needs, and download them directly to your device. All resources are provided at no cost, allowing you to learn and educate others without any financial barriers. You can also use the button below to request that materials be sent to you for free, thanks to the Florida Department of Transportation.

Bicycle & Pedestrian Safety Materials

Simple Steps to Bike Safety/Sharing the Road Bicycling is one of the best ways to get exercise, see the sights and reduce your carbon footprint. However, bicyclists face a host of hazards. They often must share the road with vehicles, and injuries can happen even on a designated path. With about 80 million bicyclists sharing ...

Commercial Motor Vehicle Safety Materials

Sharing the Road Safely with Trucks Did you know 75 percent of commercial vehicle crashes are caused by drivers in passenger cars? While actions like distracted driving certainly play a role in some of these cases, there are likely multiple occasions that happen simply because drivers don’t understand how to safely maneuver around large vehicles. Large ...

Distracted Driving Safety Materials

Distracted Driving - What You Should Know Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system — anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving. Read ...

Graduated Driver Licensing Materials

Florida Graduated Driver Licensing Tip Card Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) is one intervention proven effective at reducing fatal teen crashes. GDL works by keeping novice teen drivers out of high-risk driving situations—such as driving at night—while giving them the opportunity to develop driving skills in lower risk situations. These laws outline limits and restrictions for ...

Impaired Driving Prevention Materials

Impaired Driving Prevention Materials Underage Drinking & Marijuana Use in Teens Preventing impaired driving starts with you. By making the conscious decision to drive sober, you protect yourself, your passengers, and everyone else sharing the road with you. Your choices matter, and they can have a profound impact on the safety and well-being of others. ...

Motorcycle Safety Materials

Motorcycle Safety Poster Safe riding practices and cooperation from all road users will help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our nation’s highways. But it’s especially important for motorcyclist to wear the proper gear to keep them safe. Per vehicle miles traveled in 2019, motorcyclists were about 29 times more likely than passenger ...

Road Rage & Aggressive Driving Prevention Materials

Road Rage & Aggressive Driving Road Rage, or aggressive driving can take many forms, like tailgating, weaving and speeding. It happens a lot: One survey found that nearly 80 percent of drivers expressed significant anger or aggression behind the wheel at least once over the course of the prior year. The consequences can be serious: Aggressive ...

School Bus Safety

School Bus Safety As of January 1, 2021, the penalties for failing to stop for a school bus and passing a stopped school bus on the side where children enter and exit doubled. It is imperative that all motorists properly stop for school buses so all of Florida’s children can arrive at school or home ...

Safety Belt Materials

Safety Belt Materials Tragically, safety belt use is lowest among teen drivers. In fact, the majority of teenagers involved in fatal crashes are unbuckled. In 2016, a total of 818 teen (15- to 18-year-old) drivers and 569 passengers died in passenger vehicles driven by teen drivers, and 58 percent of those passengers were NOT wearing their ...

Teen Traffic Safety Posters

Teen Traffic Safety Posters Traffic crashes are the number one cause of death for teens, and these deaths are preventable. That is why it's so important to educate teens on the importance of safe driving as far and wide as possible. Traffic Safety Posters make a great visual aid for the classroom, a tax collector ...

Parent and Teen Educational Materials

Parent & Teen Educational Materials Teen driving risks are real. Though we’ve all had the experience of being a new driver, we don’t always remember the challenges and anxieties that came with it. Your teen needs your help to stay safe on the road. Your involvement can make a difference. Parental involvement in teen driver ...

Parent/Teen Safe Driving Contract

Parent and Teen Safe Driving Contract Teen driving risks are real. Though we’ve all had the experience of being a new driver, we don’t always remember the challenges and anxieties that came with it. Your teen needs your help to stay safe on the road. Your involvement can make a difference. Car crashes are the ...

Learn more in our Driver Safety Blog

Getting to Know Your Dashboard Lights and Gauges

Getting to Know Your Dashboard Lights and Gauges

Many drivers that have spent years behind the wheel are mostly familiar with the various lights, gauges and displays on a vehicle’s dash. The instrument panel–also called a gauge cluster–includes a speedometer and lots of little symbols that light up to provide information or warn of trouble. Some, like the seatbelt light, are self-explanatory. Others, like ...

Meme Contest Showcase

Meme Contest Showcase

Teen Driver Safety Week was in October and the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition ran a meme contest that was open to all students of Florida high schools. The Safe Driving Starts with Me(me) Contest gave cash prizes for the selected winning submissions. And, internet meme fame for everyone who participated! The purpose was to ...

Time to Refocus Teen Driving Behaviors

Time to Refocus Teen Driving Behaviors

New study reveals teens take their eyes off the road to focus on cellphones. A new State Farm® online survey examines teen attitudes and behaviors about the use of smartphones while driving. This is what teens say: Nine out of ten teenage drivers say they engage in at least one smartphone behavior while driving. Parents influence their teenage …

Car Safety Tips for Teenage Drivers

Car Safety Tips for Teenage Drivers

The teenage years are often the time for parents to hand over the car keys to their children. However, this doesn’t mean their children are inherently prepared for this new responsibility. This guide will help parents and guardians learn effective ways to keep their teen drivers safe behind the wheel.  The Risk Factors Seventy-five percent …

13 Interstate Safety Tips to Help Keep You Safe

13 Interstate Safety Tips to Help Keep You Safe

According to the NHTSA, 2,841 lives were lost in 2018 due to distracted driving”.  It is estimated that more than 80% of cell phone owners use their phones while driving in some capacity 1. Buckle up Although a common tip, buckling your seatbelt is essential. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), seat belt use helped save nearly …