National Teen Driver Safety Week is October 20-26, 2024

Teen Driver Safety Week is a nationally dedicated week to create awareness and education on the importance of safe driving. Motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of fatality for teens (15-18 years old) in the United States, ahead of all other types of injury, disease, or violence. This week – and every week, parents should have conversations with their teens about the important rules they need to follow to stay safe behind the wheel of a motor vehicle. These conversations should address the greatest dangers for teen drivers: alcohol, inconsistent or lack of safety belt use, distracted and drowsy driving, speeding, and number of passengers. Parents can be the biggest influencers on teens’ choices behind the wheel if they take the time to talk with their teens about some of the biggest driving risks.

Florida High School Teens can Win Prizes for Participating in our Webinar Series!

The Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition has partnered with AAA – The Auto Club Group and various esteemed partners to raise awareness during the Teen Driver Safety Week… We are excited to announce a Teen Safe Driving Webinar Series. Through this series, we aim to address critical topics, share real-life experiences, and foster a culture of responsible driving among teens. Join us in our commitment to creating safer roads for everyone, one informed teen driver at a time.

COMING SOON: Driving Into a Safer Future: Meet the 2024 FTSDC Ambassador Board and Talk Teen Driver Safety Week

Join us for a captivating webinar, “Driving Into a Safer Future,” where we unveil the new 2024 FTSDC Ambassador Board. Together, we’ll explore the exciting initiatives planned for Teen Driver Safety Week and dive into an overview of essential topics relevant to teen drivers. From passenger safety and navigating peer pressure to fostering responsible driving habits, this engaging event will be an empowering discussion helping drive us towards a brighter, safer future on the roads!

Steer Clear: Navigating Distraction-Free Roads for Teen Drivers & Empowering Parents

Discover the nuances of distraction-free driving for teen drivers and explore the vital role parents play in empowering safe habits. In the “Steer Clear” webinar, we’ll examine distractions, technology’s influence, and provide practical tips to avoid them. Join us to promote safer roads through informed discussions and responsible driving practices for both teens and parents.

Mind Over Miles: Exploring How Mental Health Impacts Safe Driving

Join our webinar, “Mind Over Miles” as we explore the crucial intersection of mental well-being and driving safety. Discover the risks of drowsy driving, the significance of quality sleep, and practical tips to be mentally ready behind the wheel. Let’s prioritize mindfulness for safer roads and a more resilient driving community. Buckle up for an enlightening discussion on the importance of mental health in driving safety!

Fast & Fatal: Discussing the Dangers of Speed Racing & Destructive Driving

Join us for a gripping webinar, “Fast & Fatal” as we delve into the adrenaline-fueled world of high-speed racing and reckless driving. Our panel will shed light on the alarming risks and consequences associated with these dangerous practices. Discover the importance of promoting responsible driving habits and fostering a culture of safety on our roads. Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of the solution and protect lives on the fast lanes.

Road Ready: Breakdowns, Maintenance, Traffic Stops, and Emergencies

Join us for “Road Ready”, an essential webinar designed to equip teen drivers with crucial knowledge and skills to navigate unforeseen challenges on the road. We will explore the art of proactive car maintenance to keep your vehicle in top shape, ensuring a smooth and safe journey. Learn valuable tips on handling breakdowns and emergencies with confidence, empowering you to make sound decisions during critical situations. Additionally, gain insights into traffic stop etiquette, empowering you to engage with law enforcement respectfully and responsibly. Don’t miss this opportunity to become a more informed and prepared driver!

Top 3 Teen Driver Issues

Distraction: According to the AAA Foundation for Safety, Distraction plays a role in nearly six out of 10 teen crashes, four times as many as official estimates based on police reports. The top distractions for teens include talking to other passengers in the vehicle and interacting with a smartphone.

Not Buckling Up: In research published in 2015, 60 percent of teen drivers killed in a crash were not wearing a safety belt. Teens who buckle up significantly reduce their risk of dying or being seriously injured in a crash. And according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, of the 22,215 passenger vehicle occupants killed in 2019, 47% were not wearing seat belts.

Speeding: Speeding is a factor in nearly 30 percent of fatal crashes involving teen drivers. A previous AAA survey of driving instructors found that speeding is one of the top three mistakes teens make when learning to drive.

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Download our Safe Driving Social Media Kit

We’ve assembled 6 social media graphics and some supporting content for you to post during Teen Driver Safety Week. Use the button below to download the Safe Driving Social Media Kit… Be sure to use the hashtag #FLTeenSafeDriver and #TDSW

Morning Announcement Bulletins...

Using your school’s morning announcements are a quick and easy way to educate students on the importance of safe driving. We’ve assembled a few bullets for you to use as we observe Teen Driver Safety Week in Florida. Click each title to get the correct answer!

In Florida, it’s illegal to have a phone in your hands while traveling through these two zones…

Answer: Work Zones and School Zones

True or False?: When Riding a bicycle in Florida, you must wear a helmet if you’re under the age of 18.

Answer: True. Florida law requires that all riders 18 years of age or younger wear a helmet when riding a bike. Protect your head!

True or False?: Newly licensed teen drivers have nighttime driving restrictions (curfew) at age 16 and 17.

Answer: True. 16 year-old’s are only legally allowed to drive between 6AM-11PM. 17 year-old’s are only legally allowed to drive between 5AM-1AM.

Aside from cell phones, what is the number one distraction for a teen drivers?

Answer: Other teen passengers. Two additional teen passengers increase the risk of crash by 158%.

True or False?: You are allowed to have headphones in your ear when riding a bicycle, moped, or scooter or driving a car.

Answer: False, Florida law does not allow the use of headphones while driving or operating a bicycle, moped, or scooter.

Teen Traffic Safety Projects...

Use these traffic safety project “recipe cards” to implement a traffic safety awareness campaign at your high school, community, or youth club. Any initiative you take during Teen Driver Safety Week to increase awareness on the benefits of safe driving is a great effort!

Door Decorating

The sky’s the limit on this fun and creative way to engage your peers on traffic safety. Your main goal for this project will be promoting a door-decorating contest that gets students at your school to decorated doors of as many classrooms as possible to educate students on a traffic safety subject.

Quit Forking Around – Put It Down

Forking a lawn can be quite an amusing activity. What’s better than merely forking a lawn, you ask? Forking a lawn in an effort to raise awareness and save lives! This project uses forks and a highly trafficked area at your school or community center to raise awareness on distracted driving.

Grasping at Straws to Save Lives

This activity involves handing out straws to your fellow students or community members in an effort to raise awareness on the importance of safe driving. The goal of this activity is to start an “awareness chain reaction” – each straw will ask the recipient to “pass it on” to someone they love.

An Essential Guide for Newer Drivers

Young drivers need a lot of time and practice to develop safe, defensive driving skills as well as confidence behind the wheel. This safety training program from State Farm is designed to help newer drivers learn and practice safe driving habits.

Module 1: Getting Ready to Drive

State Farm is here to help you hit the road quickly. But first, let’s go over a few car basics.

Lesson 1: Car Basics
Video 1: Car Parts and Safety Features
Video 2: Car Maintenance
Lesson 2: Making Adjustments
Video 1: Adjusting the Driver’s Seat
Video 2: Adjusting the Steering Wheel
Video 3: Adjusting the Mirrors
Video 4: Adjusting the Seat Belts

Module 2: Focus and Distraction

Learn about the most common distractions and how to prevent them.

Lesson 1: Managing Distractions
Video 1: What is distracted driving?
Lesson 2: Impaired Driving
Video 1: Don’t Drink and Drive
Video 2: Drowsy Driving
Lesson 3: Scanning for Hazards
Video 1: Watch for Hazards
Video 2: Proper Scanning

Module 3: Residential and City Roads

While you can’t control others’ actions, you can manage your own reactions.

Lesson 1: Sharing the Road
Video 1: Communicating with Other Drivers
Video 2: Anticipate the Behavior of Other Drivers
Lesson 2: Starting, Stopping and Backing Up
Video 1: Starts and Stops
Lesson 3: Entering and Exiting Parking Lots
Video 1: Entering and Exiting Parking Lots
Lesson 4: Navigating Intersections
Video 1: Residential Intersections
Video 2: Busy Intersections

Module 4: Highway Driving

Merging onto a busy interstate is one of the more stressful lessons we learn.

Lesson 1: Entering and Exiting Highways
Video 1: Successful Highway Merging
Lesson 2: Managing Speed and Distance
Video 1: Speed Management
Video 2: Create a Space Cushion on All Four Sides
Lesson 3: Maintaining Lane Position
Video 1: Maintaining Lane Position
Lesson 4: Changing Lanes and Managing Blind Spots
Video 1: Changing Lanes
Video 2: Blind Spots

Module 5: Special Driving Situations

Let’s take a look at some special circumstances and safer ways to drive in them.

Lesson 1: Driving at Night
Video 1: Driving at Night
Lesson 2: Driving in Bad Weather
Video 1: Driving in Bad Weather
Lesson 3: Driving in Rural Areas
Video 1: Driving in Rural Areas
Lesson 4: Handling Emergencies
Video 1: Emergency Vehicles and Car Trouble
Video 2: Handling Emergencies

Modules Complete: Next Steps

1. Log each of your trips in the Trip Log

2. Complete the Post-Assessment (optional)

3. Sign the Statement of Qualification

4. Turn in the Trip Log and Statement of Qualification to your agent

Impact Teen Drivers - Speak Up for Safety Campaign

Speak Up 4 Safety

Six times throughout the year, Impact Teen Drivers shares dynamic content that you can post and share on your organization’s social media. The social media campaigns are designed to help Traffic Safety Champions spread the word about keeping drivers, passengers, and the communities they share the roads with safer. Our collaborative grassroots movement Speak Up 4 Safety has brought millions of teens, parents, educators, health professionals, first responders, advocates, and policymakers from across the country together to tackle the number one cause of unintentional injury and death for teens—car crashes.

Be sure to tag Impact Teen Drivers in your #SpeakUp4Safety posts so we can engage with your posts!

@ImpactDrivers on Instagram and Twitter@ImpactTeenDrivers on Facebook.

Keys 2 Drive Image - TikTok Safe Driving Contest Winner Announcement

AAA Teen Driver Resource Center

Find specific teen driver information you need quickly. Or learn in more detail.

Dreaming about driving? Are you taking driver ed now? Or maybe you already have your license? Learning to drive is an exciting process for you and your parents, and AAA has tools and information to help. Check out the links below to get a “quick start” finding some of the top things you’ll want as you prepare to become a safe, successful driver.

Experience the Ford Driving Skills for Life Academy

Learn how to be a safer driver from the comfort of your own home! The Ford Driving Skills for Life Academy is designed to provide you additional training that will help keep you safe on the road. Maximize your Teen Driver Safety Week activities by attending this virtual safe driver session.

Special Thanks to Our Partners