Impaired Driving Prevention

Programming Offered Virtually or In-Person

Communication is KEY! Parents are a youth’s leading resource when it comes to making healthy choices. This program helps parents use the power they have to keep their kids safe through ongoing, critical conversations with their children about alcohol and other drugs.

Youth also can play a pivotal role in underage prevention! They can stand up as the leaders who make it “ok” to say no to alcohol.

MADD helps youth explore the real, short- and long-term impacts of drinking underage, including how it damages their brains and the long-lasting social consequences through interactive presentations delivered by certified facilitators. MADD also offers tools directly to teens to encourage them to use the power they have to keep themselves and their friends safe.

MADD 101 is a 10-20 minute presentation for the community to inform about the dangers and consequences of impaired driving and the life-saving work that MADD is doing.

Contact MADD

Presentations Offered Virtually or In-Person in Florida

Please reach out to the appropriate contact in your area to book your free MADD presentation, or learn more about ways MADD can offer helpful impaired driving prevention resources to your community.

Northeast & Northwest FL: Kristen Allen, (850) 681-0061

Central FL: Kristi McElroy, (407) 831-6233, 

West Central FL: Larry Coggins, (813) 935-2676

Southwest, Southeast & South FL: Jennifer Walsh, (954) 448-7880,