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The Battle of the Belts campaign is a compelling initiative that recognizes the critical importance of wearing safety belts while driving or riding in a vehicle. Designed specifically for high schoolers, this program aims to instill a culture of safety belt usage among young drivers and their passengers, fostering a safer environment on our roads.

Please sign up below to be notified when the free Battle of the Belt kit becomes available to Florida high schools. 

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What is Battle of the Belts?

Through a series of engaging events, educational resources, and interactive activities, Battle of the Belts equips Florida High School students with a free kit to create knowledge, skills, and motivation to make smart choices behind the wheel. We believe that by arming young drivers with the proper information and emphasizing the life-saving benefits of safety belts, we can significantly reduce the risks associated with vehicular crashes.

During the Battle of the Belts campaign, students will have the opportunity to participate in exciting challenges and competitions that highlight the importance of seat belt usage. From trivia contests and awareness campaigns to practical demonstrations and peer-to-peer engagement, we create an environment that encourages responsible behavior and encourages students to become advocates for seat belt safety within their schools and communities.

Our ultimate goal is to create a generation of responsible drivers who understand that wearing a safety belt is not just a legal requirement but a personal commitment to safeguarding their own lives and the lives of others. By joining the Battle of the Belts campaign, students will not only enhance their own safety but also become champions for change in their communities, spreading the importance of safety belt usage far and wide.

Together, let’s fasten our safety belts, educate our peers, and revolutionize the way we approach road safety. Join the Battle of the Belts campaign today and make a difference that will last a lifetime.