3-Second Rule for Safe Following Distance

3-Second Rule for Safe Following Distance

Rear-end collisions are the most common type of crashes between vehicles.1 They occur when drivers do not have enough time to perceive and react safely to slowing or stopped traffic. Increasing your following distance can help give you time to react when someone brakes in front of you. The Three-Second Rule Increasing the distance between you …

Aggressive Driving Infographic – How It Impacts Your Health & Driving

Aggressive Driving Infographic – How It Impacts Your Health & Driving

Aggressive driving is a major factor in U.S. traffic crashes, playing a role not just in well-publicized incidents of road rage, but in a large number of fatal highway collisions each year. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NTHSA) defines aggressive driving as occurring when “an individual commits a combination of moving traffic offenses so as …

Defensive Driving – Everything You Should Know

Defensive Driving – Everything You Should Know

Obtaining a driver’s license and the freedom to which it leads is a coming-of-age hallmark for many American teens. It is an exciting time for teens and a worrisome time for parents. Taking driver’s education courses that include defensive driving techniques is crucial to the safety of teen drivers throughout their driving careers. WHAT IS DEFENSIVE DRIVING? …

Tips for Parallel Parking

Tips for Parallel Parking

PARKING Yikes, parallel parking and reversing! It actually doesn’t have to be that hard. In this section of TeenDriving.com, we give you helpful, step-by-step maneuvers and tips to help you conquer those pesky parallel parking and reversing situations. We also cover other parking topics like how to handle parking lots and parking on hills. PARALLEL …

Driver Education for Children with Special Needs

Driver Education for Children with Special Needs

Can children with special needs drive? Yes, and the number of adolescents driving with special needs is growing. According to research conducted at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), two-thirds of 15- to 18-year-old higher-functioning autistic adolescents are currently driving or plan to drive, and 1 in 3 autistic adolescents without an intellectual disability get licensed by age 21. Getting licensed and …

5 Ways to Help If Your Teen Is Nervous to Start Driving

5 Ways to Help If Your Teen Is Nervous to Start Driving

Most kids grow up ecstatically looking forward to the day they can start driving. Driving is a  culturally ingrained symbol of freedom and growth, and few adolescents express anything except enthusiasm to get behind the wheel as they approach the legal driving age.  While that is the case for the vast majority of teenagers, some …