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The Battle of the Belts Kit is a free and easy-to-implement tool that high schools can use to decrease the likelihood of serious injuries and fatalities related to lack of safety belt usage. This kit is designed to help educate on the importance of wearing a safety belt while engaging teens in a fun and interactive way.

Request the FREE Battle of the Belts Kit:

Battle of the Belts Kit Request
School Address (This is Where Your Kit Will Be Sent)
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I have gotten approval from my school's administration (or an adult advisor) to receive a free Battle of the Belts kit:

Buckle Up and Join the Battle!

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), teens have the lowest rate of safety belt use compared to other age groups, with nearly 60% of teens involved in fatal crashes being unbuckled at the time of the crash.

Our FREE Battle of the Belts Campaign Kit is a comprehensive resource packed with tools that Florida high schools can utilize to raise awareness and encourage safety belt use among students.  You can also download all materials for free, below… 

The FREE Battle of the Belts Kit Includes:

  • 2 Fence Banners
  • Student Pledge Banner
  • Educational Posters
  • Educational Rack Cards
  • Blank Posters for Student Artwork/Messaging
  • Pre/Post Behavioral Postcards & Tent Cards
  • Pre/Post Observational Survey
  • Morning Announcements Ideas
  • Chalk/Messaging Ideas
  • Marquee Messaging Ideas
  • Safety Vests

The Battle of the Belts Campaign Kit includes enough materials to support the efforts of an entire high school. You can view all kit material and descriptions below. Please feel free to email us with any questions.

BOTB Materials

Usage Guide and Implementation Ideas

This section is designed to help you make the most of your Battle of the Belts Kit by providing detailed usage examples, creative implementation ideas, and easy access to download digital files where applicable. Whether you’re looking for inspiration on how to engage students, or need specific tools to enhance your campaign, this area will guide you through every step, ensuring a successful and impactful safety initiative.

BOTB Fence Banners

Fence Banners:

These banners are designed to remind drivers and passengers of the life-saving benefits of wearing a safety belt. By highlighting the dangers of not wearing a seatbelt—such as serious injury or ejection—the banners encourage everyone to make buckling up a consistent habit whenever they are in a vehicle.

Battle of the Belts Pledge Banners

Student Pledge Banner:

The student pledge banner is designed to inspire students to make a personal commitment to always wear their safety belt. By taking the pledge, students are agreeing to prioritize their safety and the safety of others every time they get into a vehicle, regardless of the distance or duration of the trip.

Battle of the Belts Educational Poster

Educational Poster:  

The “Roadmap to Safety” poster is a comprehensive guide designed to educate drivers on essential safety practices. By following these tips, drivers can reduce their risk of crashes and contribute to a safer driving environment for themselves and others on the road. The poster serves as a visual reminder of these crucial safety steps, reinforcing good driving habits in a clear and engaging way.

Battle of the Belts Educational Rack Card

Educational Rack Card:

This rack card is designed to educate teens on the importance of wearing seatbelts, highlighting legal requirements, safety benefits, and proper usage techniques. It underscores the significant risk teens face when they don’t buckle up and aims to encourage safer driving habits.

Battle of the Belts Engagement Posters

Engagement Posters:

These educational engagement posters collectively emphasize the critical importance of wearing a safety belt, using clear and impactful messaging supported by strong visual elements. Each poster delivers a straightforward call to action—whether through direct commands like “Fasten Your Safety Belt” and “Buckle Up!” or a more cautionary message highlighting that seatbelt use can be the difference between life and death.

Blank Poster for Student Artwork:

This blank student poster is your chance to make a difference by encouraging your peers to always wear their safety belts. Use this space to create a compelling and eye-catching design that delivers a strong message about the importance of safety belt use. Remember, the more creative and engaging your poster is, the more likely it is to grab attention and make a lasting impact. Once completed, these posters can be displayed around your school to help promote a culture of safety and save lives.

Student Recruitment Posters

Safety Belt Champion Recruitment Posters:

These engagement posters are designed to recruit and motivate students to become “Safety Belt Champions” at their school. Each poster combines compelling visuals with a strong call to action, encouraging students to take an active role in promoting safety belt use among their peers. The posters also include space for an adult advisor to list their room number and name, making it easy for interested students to get involved.

Morning Announcements & Marquee Messages:

The morning announcements card is designed to help schools integrate safety belt messages into their daily announcements. By delivering these messages regularly, schools can effectively raise awareness about the importance of buckling up, reaching a wide audience of students and staff every day.

The marquee messaging card is intended to help schools use their outdoor signs or digital marquees to promote seatbelt safety. These brief, impactful messages are designed to catch the eye of anyone passing by, whether they’re students, parents, or community members.

Chalk Activity

Chalk the Walk – Messaging Ideas:

The “Chalk the Walk” card encourages students to use sidewalks and other campus areas as canvases for creative safety messaging. By drawing attention-grabbing messages with chalk, students can help spread awareness about the importance of wearing safety belts in a fun and engaging way. This activity not only allows for creative expression but also serves as a powerful visual reminder for everyone who passes by. The card provides tips and message ideas to inspire students, helping them craft impactful slogans that resonate with their peers. This initiative turns everyday walkways into tools for safety advocacy, transforming the school environment into a vibrant, educational space where safety is always top of mind.

PrePost Survey Postcards

Pre/Post Survey Cards:

The pre/post survey cards are key tools for measuring the effectiveness of the Battle of the Belts campaign within your school. These cards, designed for use by student champions, include QR codes that link to anonymous surveys. The pre-survey should be administered to all students at the start of the campaign to gauge current attitudes and behaviors regarding safety belt use among students. The post-survey, taken after the campaign concludes, helps assess how these attitudes and behaviors have changed as a result of the awareness efforts. Additionally, a tent card is included for placement in high-traffic areas like the cafeteria, making it easy for students to access the surveys. By comparing the results from these surveys, schools can measure the impact of their campaign and identify areas for further improvement, ensuring that the message of safety continues to resonate with students.

By submitting the completed surveys, school resource officers, staff, and student champions become eligible for participation prizes, further incentivizing accurate data collection and engagement with the campaign.

Pre/Post Observational Survey:

The pre/post observational survey is a crucial tool for measuring the effectiveness of your Battle of the Belts safety campaign. Before the campaign begins, student champions should wear the provided safety vests and observe safety belt usage in the student parking lot, using the checkboxes to record whether drivers and passengers are wearing their safety belts. This initial observation establishes a baseline for safety belt adoption rates on campus. After the awareness activities are completed, the same observational survey should be conducted to measure any changes in safety belt usage. Comparing the pre- and post-campaign data allows schools to assess the impact of their efforts.

By submitting the completed surveys, school resource officers, staff, and student champions become eligible for participation prizes, further incentivizing accurate data collection and engagement with the campaign.

Citation and Commendation Cards:

During the pre/post observational surveys, student champions can use these cards to provide immediate feedback to their peers based on their safety belt usage and overall driving behavior. If a student is observed not wearing their safety belt or engaging in other risky behaviors such as speeding or using their phone while driving, they will receive a citation card. This card serves as a gentle reminder to correct their behavior, emphasizing the importance of buckling up to help prevent crashes and injuries.

On the other hand, students who are observed following all safety protocols, such as wearing their safety belt and obeying speed limits, will receive a commendation card. This card recognizes and reinforces their positive behavior, and can be accompanied by a reward determined by the school or participating administrators.

To encourage and reward students for safe driving habits, schools can offer simple, cost-free incentives such as:

  1. Fast Pass to Skip the Lunch Line – A ticket that allows the student to move to the front of the lunch line.
  2. Free Tardy Pass – A pass that can be used to excuse a tardy once without penalty.
  3. Reserved Parking Spot for a Day/Week – The student gets to park in a prime parking spot closer to the school entrance.
  4. Extra Credit Pass – A pass that provides a small amount of extra credit in a class of their choice.
  5. Homework Pass – A pass that allows the student to skip one homework assignment without consequence.
  6. Front Row Seat at School Event – The student gets a reserved front-row seat at a school assembly, game, or performance.
  7. Principal’s Parking Spot for a Day – A special reward where the student can park in the principal’s spot for a day.
  8. VIP Access to School Event – Early entry or special access to a school dance, game, or other event.

These rewards not only motivate students to adopt safer driving practices but also foster a positive and supportive school environment where safe behavior is recognized and celebrated.

Safety Vests and Sidewalk Chalk

Safety Vests & Sidewalk Chalk:

This kit includes essential tools to help student champions conduct their seatbelt safety campaign effectively and safely. The four safety vests are provided to be worn during the observational surveys. These bright, reflective vests ensure that student champions are visible and can conduct their surveys safely in the student parking lot or other areas where vehicles are present. Wearing these vests not only enhances safety but also lends an air of authority and seriousness to the survey activity.

In addition, the kit contains a box of sidewalk chalk to be used during the “Chalk the Walk” awareness activities. Students can use the colorful chalk to create eye-catching messages and drawings on sidewalks and other high-traffic areas around the school. These visual messages serve as a creative and engaging way to remind their peers about the importance of buckling up and practicing safe driving habits.

State Farm Teen Driver Resource Center

Young drivers need a lot of time and practice to develop safe, defensive driving skills as well as confidence behind the wheel. The State Farm® Steer Clear – Teen Driver Resource Center is designed to help newer drivers learn and practice safe driving habits. Eligible drivers can get a State Farm® car insurance discount upon completion of the program requirements.

Special thanks to State Farm® for supporting the Battle of the Belts Campaign, and other teen driver safety projects in Florida.

Special Thanks to Our Partners