9 Signs You Could Be A Distracted Driver

9 Signs You Could Be A Distracted Driver

With April designated Distracted Driving Awareness Month by the National Safety Council (NSC), it’s an ideal opportunity to learn more about the causes of this growing epidemic—one that’s taking the lives of at least 63 Americans each week, according to the NSC. When you hear “distracted driving,” texting is usually what comes to mind. But …

Tips to Keep Your Teen Safe Behind the Wheel

Tips to Keep Your Teen Safe Behind the Wheel

https://flteensafedriver.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Podcast118.mp3 Did you know parents are the number one influencer for teen driving behavior? In this podcast by the Humanity Project, we discuss ways you can take an active approach to your teen’s safe driving education while presenting safe driving tips to practice as parents. Join Jose Soto from State Farm and Melissa Branca from …

Helping Teenagers to Be Safer Drivers

Helping Teenagers to Be Safer Drivers

New drivers are more likely to get into trouble because they lack experience, but the best way to reduce the risk of a crash is to become an experienced driver. My 16-year-old grandson, who lives in suburban Los Angeles, is on the verge of getting a driver’s license and, quite frankly, I’m terrified. Driving around ...

How to Talk with Your Teen About Driver Safety

How to Talk with Your Teen About Driver Safety

Don’t be afraid to ask your teen questions. Talking with your teen driver is crucial when teaching him or her how to drive safely, but that doesn’t mean starting the conversation is always easy. You might worry that your teen will take your talks as harsh criticism, or that he or she will ignore the ...

9 Distractions Your Teen Driver Should Know About

9 Distractions Your Teen Driver Should Know About

Some distractions are well-known, others are less obvious, but all put road users at risk. Distractions are everywhere, and for inexperienced teen drivers that can mean serious danger is everywhere, too. Fortunately, you can help your teen stay safe behind the wheel by helping him or her identify different distractions and talk through ways to ...