AAA Sponsors GDL PSA Contest in Florida

AAA Sponsors GDL PSA Contest in Florida

This year, the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition is partnering with AAA to encourage high school students to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) focused on positive messaging surrounding Graduated Driver Licensing. Prizes for the best PSAs under 60 seconds will be awarded to the 13 schools that demonstrate the best messages for Graduated Driver Licensing safety in the form …

Drowsy Driving Infographic

Drowsy Driving Infographic

If you ever got behind the wheel while feeling sleepy, you should know that you are not alone. Unfortunately, drowsy driving is a major problem in the US, and studies show that around 60% of people did it at least once, and approximately one-third of people have fallen asleep at the wheel. Driving while feeling tired …

Dangers of Distracted Driving – Infographic

Dangers of Distracted Driving – Infographic

A text while driving can result in an average of 5 seconds of distraction or removal of attention from the road. It only takes three seconds after a driver’s attention wanders from the road for a crash to occur. Consider the horrific implications of these figures. The number of crashes that occur daily because of …

Drugged Driving – What You Should Know

Drugged Driving – What You Should Know

In 2016, 44 percent of drivers in fatal car crashes (with known results) tested positive for drugs, according to the recent report entitled “Drug-Impaired Driving: Marijuana and Opioids Raise Critical Issues for States”by the Governors Highway Safety Association. This is up from 28 percent in 2006. See a graphic from the report below for more information about drugged driving and marijuana …

9 Signs You Could Be A Distracted Driver

9 Signs You Could Be A Distracted Driver

With April designated Distracted Driving Awareness Month by the National Safety Council (NSC), it’s an ideal opportunity to learn more about the causes of this growing epidemic—one that’s taking the lives of at least 63 Americans each week, according to the NSC. When you hear “distracted driving,” texting is usually what comes to mind. But …

Tips to Keep Your Teen Safe Behind the Wheel

Tips to Keep Your Teen Safe Behind the Wheel Did you know parents are the number one influencer for teen driving behavior? In this podcast by the Humanity Project, we discuss ways you can take an active approach to your teen’s safe driving education while presenting safe driving tips to practice as parents. Join Jose Soto from State Farm and Melissa Branca from …

Helping Teenagers to Be Safer Drivers

Helping Teenagers to Be Safer Drivers

New drivers are more likely to get into trouble because they lack experience, but the best way to reduce the risk of a crash is to become an experienced driver. My 16-year-old grandson, who lives in suburban Los Angeles, is on the verge of getting a driver’s license and, quite frankly, I’m terrified. Driving around ...