Teen Traffic Safety Posters

Traffic crashes are the number one cause of death for teens, and these deaths are preventable. That is why it’s so important to educate teens on the importance of safe driving as far and wide as possible. Traffic Safety Posters make a great visual aid for the classroom, a tax collector or DMV office, school hallways, or any place of high visibility that a teen driver or passenger may frequent.

Drowsy Driving

Whether fatigue is caused by hanging out late with friends, or a long and monotonous drive for the holidays – the negative outcomes can be the same. These include impaired cognition and performance which can result in a motor vehicle crash.  Many teens do not get enough sleep at a stage in life when their biological need for sleep increases, which makes them vulnerable to the risk of drowsy-driving crashes, especially on longer trips. Advise your teens to delay driving until they’re well-rested. This poster illustrates the effects of drowsy driving.

Impaired Driving

You can’t drive safely if you’re impaired. That’s why it’s illegal everywhere in America to drive under the influence of alcohol, marijuana, opioids, methamphetamines, or any potentially impairing drug–prescribed or over the counter. Driving while impaired by any substance—legal or illegal—puts you and others in harm’s way. Alcohol, marijuana, and other drugs impair the ability to drive because they slow coordination, judgment, and reaction times. This poster illustrates that drugs, alcohol and driving do not mix!

Distracted Driving

Distracted driving is any activity that diverts attention from driving, including talking or texting on your phone, eating and drinking, talking to people in your vehicle, fiddling with the stereo, entertainment or navigation system — anything that takes your attention away from the task of safe driving. You cannot drive safely unless the task of driving has your full attention. Any non-driving activity you engage in is a potential distraction and increases your risk of crashing. This poster illustrates the idea that you are missing the “whole picture” when you drive distracted.

Texting & Driving

Texting is the most alarming distraction because it requires you to engage all three areas of distraction: visual (eyes away from the road), manual (physically sending the text and manipulating the phone), and cognitive (reading and thinking about how to phrase your reply). Sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 5 seconds. At 55 mph, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field with your eyes closed. This poster takes a “top down” view at the effects of texting and driving.

Eating while Driving

Eating and driving often includes a combination of one or more distractions. Drivers must unwrap food packaging, use napkins, hold the food with at least one hand, and complete other activities all while trying to safely operate a vehicle. It’s a real recipe for disaster! This poster takes another “top down” view of a driver’s seat, showing a burger, fries and drink within the center console area. The problem is that while the driver is snacking, that light is changing! Put the food away and just focus on the road.

How To Be a Pro Passenger

As a passenger, your behavior is just as crucial as the driver’s. You have the responsibility to make sure that the driver remains focused on the road and resists the many temptations and distractions that they may face, such as texting, talking on the phone, constantly changing the radio stations or even using the GPS. Passengers are one of the biggest distractions, especially for young drivers. This poster provides tips on how to be a pro passenger!

Graduated Driver Licensing

Getting a driver license an exciting time for many teens! Make sure you’re staying safe and following the rules of the road, including Florida’s Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) laws. When properly followed, GDL has been proven to keep new teen drivers safe! GDL helps teens learn to drive during less risky times of the day and at a gradual pace. This poster helps provide details on Florida’s Graduated Driver Licensing Restrictions.

Avoiding Drowsy Driving

Feeling sleepy is especially dangerous when you are driving. Sleepiness slows your reaction time, decreases awareness and impairs your judgment, just like drugs or alcohol. People who are very sleepy behave in similar ways to people who are drunk. The impact that this has on traffic safety should not be underestimated. Teenagers and young adults need more sleep than older adults. Brain chemicals that cause sleep are released later during adolescence, so teens think that being able to stay up late means they don’t need much sleep. This poster helps provide information related to avoiding drowsy driving.

Tips for Staying Focused on the Road

From grooming to using a cell phone, there are plenty of things with the potential to distract you from your main task of driving. The key to being a safe driver is being mindful of the ways you can avoid distractions while driving in order to stay completely focused on the road. This poster helps provide common distractions, and thoughtful tips that teens can use to drive focused and safely!

Tips from the Passenger Seat

Sometimes teens can feel like they do not know how to speak up if a friend or relative is driving recklessly. The struggle with not wanting to be perceived as “uncool” or make a big deal is a common theme among teenagers. The fact is, your life is a BIG DEAL! If you ever feel unsafe with a driver, no matter if they’re your friend, sibling or parent, you always have a way out. This poster provides tips and strategies on ways you can get yourself out of a dangerous driving situation.

Safe Cycling Tips

Americans are increasingly bicycling to commute, for exercise, or just for fun. By law, bicycles on the roadway are vehicles with the same rights and responsibilities as motorized vehicles. Real bike safety concerns are more than just wearing a helmet and following the traffic laws for cyclists. Avoiding collisions with motorists should be your number one priority when you are biking on the open road. This poster helps identify ways you can stay safe and avoid potential hazards.

Seat Belt Safety

Tragically, seat belt use is lowest among teen drivers. In fact, the majority of teenagers involved in fatal crashes are unbuckled. As teens start driving and gradually gain independence, they don’t always make the smartest decisions regarding their safety. They may think they are invincible, that they don’t need seat belts. They may have a false notion that they have the right to choose whether or not to buckle up. This poster helps communicate the message that using a seatbelt while driving is the smart choice!

Motorcycle Safety

Safe riding practices and cooperation from all road users will help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our nation’s highways. But it’s especially important for motorcyclist to wear the proper gear to keep them safe. Per vehicle miles traveled in 2019, motorcyclists were about 29 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash and were 4 times more likely to be injured. By raising motorists’ awareness, both drivers and riders will be safer sharing the road.

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