How to Avoid Distracted Driving at Night

How to Avoid Distracted Driving at Night

Be honest: Have you ever read or answered a text while driving? If so, you’re not alone. A 2016 survey from State Farm found 94% of drivers said they thought texting was a distracting behavior behind the wheel, but 35% still did it anyway. There has been a litany of PSAs – ranging from heartwarmingly silly to shockingly violent – on …

Time to Refocus Teen Driving Behaviors

Time to Refocus Teen Driving Behaviors

New study reveals teens take their eyes off the road to focus on cellphones. A new State Farm® online survey examines teen attitudes and behaviors about the use of smartphones while driving. This is what teens say: Nine out of ten teenage drivers say they engage in at least one smartphone behavior while driving. Parents influence their teenage …

Car Safety Tips for Teenage Drivers

Car Safety Tips for Teenage Drivers

The teenage years are often the time for parents to hand over the car keys to their children. However, this doesn’t mean their children are inherently prepared for this new responsibility. This guide will help parents and guardians learn effective ways to keep their teen drivers safe behind the wheel.  The Risk Factors Seventy-five percent …

Driver Education for Children with Special Needs

Driver Education for Children with Special Needs

Can children with special needs drive? Yes, and the number of adolescents driving with special needs is growing. According to research conducted at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), two-thirds of 15- to 18-year-old higher-functioning autistic adolescents are currently driving or plan to drive, and 1 in 3 autistic adolescents without an intellectual disability get licensed by age 21. Getting licensed and …

5 Ways to Help If Your Teen Is Nervous to Start Driving

5 Ways to Help If Your Teen Is Nervous to Start Driving

Most kids grow up ecstatically looking forward to the day they can start driving. Driving is a  culturally ingrained symbol of freedom and growth, and few adolescents express anything except enthusiasm to get behind the wheel as they approach the legal driving age.  While that is the case for the vast majority of teenagers, some …