Work Zone Awareness Week

National Work Zone Awareness Week

National Work Zone Awareness Week (NWZAW) is an annual spring campaign held at the start of construction season encourages safe driving through highway work zones. The key message is for drivers to use extra caution in work zones.

Work zones play a critical role in the preservation and enhancement of our nation’s roadways. They separate construction and maintenance activities from traffic, providing a safe route for all road users (motorists, pedestrians, and bicyclists) and a safe area for workers.

However, work zone related changes in traffic patterns and rights of way, combined with the presence of workers, and the frequent movement of work vehicles, may lead to crashes, injuries, and fatalities.

Through National Work Zone Awareness Week, the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) and its partners hope to bring attention to the critical issue of road user and worker safety in and around work zones.

It’s important for everyone to do their part to be safe. Drive Safe. Work Safe. Save Lives.

Safety in Work Zones—how to drive safe, work safe, and save lives.

To protect field workers and all road users, follow these tips for traveling safely through work zones.

location pinKnow Before You Go. Before heading out, check for the latest traffic conditions along your route. With information on active work zones, you can change your trip, possibly avoiding work zones altogether.

Stay Alert and Obey the Roadway. Be aware of all activity occurring around you, including paying attention to other drivers and road users. Remember, signs, cones, barrels, and flaggers are there to help maneuver you safely through the work zone.

Watch for Workers. In 2019, 135 workers were killed in highway work zones.(1)

Watch for Sudden Stops. Work zone activity often leads to congestion, delays, and traffic queues. Be alert and watch for sudden stops. In 2019, nearly one quarter of all fatal work zone crashes involved rear-end collisions. (2)

Slow Down. Speeding can lead to crashes with other vehicles and with field workers.Make sure to obey posted work zone speed limits and keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead of you.

Use Caution Around Large Vehicles. Large vehicles have a slower reaction time, so refrain from making sudden lane changes in front of trucks or buses that are trying to slow down.

Keep Everyone Safe. Be respectful of workers, fellow drivers, and all road users. We need everyone to work together to ensure we all stay safe.

Sources: 1. 2019 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries, U.S. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics, in cooperation with States, New York City, the District of Columbia, and Federal agencies. 2. FARS 2019 Annual Report File, NHTSA. FARS data shown here are from the 50 States, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico.

Caution in Work Zones - National Work Zone Awareness Week

Don't be THAT Driver - National Work Zone Awareness Week

Do's and Don't for Work Zones - National Work Zone Awareness Week