Program Manager, Office of Driver Safety – Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles
My job responsibilities: The Office of Driver Safety is responsible for education and outreach programs targeting High-Risk Road Users (teen drivers, aging/senior drivers, motorcyclists, bicyclists, and pedestrians). Members of this office represent the department on state and national traffic safety coalitions and manage grants dedicated to reducing crashes for these target audiences. The Office of Driver Safety also updates the Class E Driver Handbook according to new or modified Florida Statutes.
Why I joined the Coalition: To improve traffic safety throughout the state.
Hobbies or areas of interest outside of work: Hiking, kayaking, spending time enjoying the outdoors.
What make and model was your first car? Jeep Wrangler
What has changed most about driving from the time you were a teenager to now? There are many more signals in use now, especially for pedestrians.
The one tip I would give any new teen driver would be: Put the phone down and focus on driving.