CTST District 3 Program Manager

Gretchen Peoples

District 3 CTST Program Manager – Florida Department of Transportation 

My job responsibilities: Coordinate and partner with our Community Traffic Safety Teams in the 16 counties in District 3. Develop and manage our 402 Grants and Safe Routes to School Grants.

Why I joined the Coalition: My position’s focus is on Teen driving safety and I am passionate in the topic of keeping our teens safe on the road.

Hobbies or areas of interest outside of work: I enjoy traveling, reading, photography, and spending time with my Husband, Troy and children, Maddox and Morgan.

What was your favorite song when you were a teenager? Anything by Boys2Men 😉

What make and model was your first car? 92 Pontiac GrandAm

What has changed most about driving from the time you were a teenager to now? Definitely technology: cellphone usage/texting and added distraction.

The one tip I would give any new teen driver would be: Buckle up, focus on the road, and wait to respond to text messages and phone calls until you arrive at your destination.
