Traffic Safety Specialist

Cristina Morales

Traffic Safety Specialist – Florida Department of Transportation 

My job responsibilities: I manage the Resurfacing, Restoration, and Rehabilitation (RRR) Safety Review Program, the Railroad (RR) Diagnostic Review Program, and I am the Safe Routes to School Coordinator for District 6.

Why I joined the Coalition: I joined the coalition because I would like to learn more about driving behaviors, especially from minors, which will help when we review our state roads fr an engineering perspective.

Hobbies or areas of interest outside of work: I enjoy singing at my local church choir, reading, dancing, and spending time with family and friends.

What was your favorite song when you were a teenager? There are so many, but I have to go with The Motto by Drake.

What make and model was your first car? 2014 Sonata

What has changed most about driving from the time you were a teenager to now? As a teenager I was terrified driving and didn’t get my license until I was 19. Now, I feel more comfortable on the roads.

The one tip I would give any new teen driver would be: To not overwhelm yourself and give yourself time. You will know when you are ready no matter what anyone else says.
