Founder – DriveTrainer Academy, Inc.
My job responsibilities: Develop and manage tools and content for teen driver training, including driving simulators, social media campaigns, and defensive driving courses.
Why I joined the Coalition: I joined the coalition to contribute my skills and expertise to the mission of making Florida’s teens safer drivers.
Professional Accomplishments: Coaching hundreds of teens on advanced defensive driving techniques.
Hobbies or areas of interest outside of work: Motorsports, running, cycling
What was your favorite song when you were a teenager? “Gimme Some More” – Busta Rhymes
What make and model was your first car? 93 Buick Century
What has changed most about driving from the time you were a teenager to now? The abundance of smartphones.
The one tip I would give any new teen driver would be: Maintain constant situational awareness of the road and the drivers around you.