Stay Safe Near the Tracks: It’s Rail Safety Week!

Stay Safe Near the Tracks: It’s Rail Safety Week!

Hey there! Did you know that this week is Rail Safety Week? Whether you’re biking, walking, or even just driving near train tracks, it’s so important to be aware of the dangers and make smart choices around them. Let’s break it down with some important info that could seriously save your life—and make sure you share these tips with your friends to stay safe near the tracks!

Why Rail Safety Week Matters

Each year, hundreds of collisions happen because people don’t follow basic rail safety rules. These collisions can be fatal, but the good news is that they’re also completely preventable. That’s why Rail Safety Week is all about spreading the word on how to stay safe around trains and tracks.

Top Rail Safety Tips You Need to Know:

1. Never Try to “Beat” the Train

It might be tempting to rush across the tracks if you see a train coming, but don’t do it! Trains can take up to a mile to come to a full stop. So even if the engineer sees you, they won’t be able to stop in time. Plus, trains are often closer and faster than they look!

2. Pay Attention to Signals and Crossings

If you see flashing lights, hear a bell, or see crossing gates coming down, always stop. Even if it seems like there’s plenty of time, don’t risk it. Signals are there to protect you. Wait until everything is clear before crossing.

3. Stay Off the Tracks

Train tracks are not a place to hang out. Don’t use them as shortcuts, and definitely don’t take photos or make videos on the tracks. Trains can come at any time, even if you don’t hear or see one right away. Stay a safe distance away—at least 15 feet.

4. Look, Listen, and Live

Always check both ways before crossing train tracks, even if you don’t hear or see a train. Make sure you can hear what’s going on around you—take off headphones and stop texting when near tracks.

5. Obey All Signs

Look for signs that say “No Trespassing” or “Railroad Crossing.” These aren’t just suggestions—they’re there to keep you safe. Respecting them could prevent a serious crash.

What Should You Do If You Get Stuck on the Tracks? 

If your car ever stalls or gets stuck on the tracks, get out immediately—even if you don’t see a train! Then, walk in the direction the train is coming from so you aren’t hit by flying debris if a train hits your vehicle. Call 911 right away and let them know you’re on the tracks. Most crossings also have a blue and white sign with a phone number to call for emergencies.

The Silent Killer: Trains Are Quieter Than You Think

Believe it or not, modern trains are super quiet! You might not hear them coming until it’s too late. So don’t take chances—always assume a train could be nearby.

Spread the Word 

This Rail Safety Week, make sure to share these tips with your friends and family. A simple conversation can help raise awareness and keep people safe.

For more info and resources on rail safety, check out Operation Lifesaver—they’ve got all the facts and tips you need to stay safe around trains. Let’s work together to make sure no one becomes a statistic this year!

Stay safe, and remember: Look, listen, and live!