Driving Toward Safety: New Teen Driver Safety Videos

Driving Toward Safety: New Teen Driver Safety Videos

As we observe Teen Driver Safety Week from October 21-25, we’re excited to share a brand-new series of engaging videos that spotlight critical safe driving habits for teens. Created with generous funding support from State Farm, these videos aim to educate teens, parents, and communities on how small choices behind the wheel can make a huge difference.

Parents: The #1 Role Models in Teen Driving

Research shows that parents are the most influential role models when it comes to teaching teens how to drive safely. Teen Driver Safety Week serves as a perfect reminder for parents to model good driving habits—because teens are watching! Something as simple as always buckling your safety belt and staying off your phone can be the difference between a safe ride and a tragic crash.

In fact, wearing a safety belt is one of the most effective ways to prevent injuries in the event of a collision. It’s a habit that can save lives, which is why our first video in the series focuses on encouraging teens to buckle up every time. Whether you’re heading down the street or on a long trip, wearing a safety belt ensures that everyone can arrive safely.

Small Choices, Big Impact

Throughout this series, we cover several important topics, including:

  • Wearing Your Safety Belt: As our “Safety Belt” PSA shows, buckling up should be a non-negotiable habit for everyone in the vehicle. It’s a small step that provides critical protection in the event of a crash.
  • Avoiding Road Rage: Driving can be stressful, especially for teens learning to navigate traffic. Our “Road Rage” video helps teens understand that staying calm behind the wheel can prevent dangerous confrontations.
  • Drowsy Driving: Fatigue is a silent danger on the road. In our “Drowsy Driving” PSA, we emphasize the importance of pulling over when tired, as drowsy driving can impair judgment just as much as alcohol.
  • Influence and Peer Pressure: Social media influencers have a huge impact on teen culture, but real influence comes from promoting positive behaviors. Our “Influencer” video encourages teens to make responsible choices that set a good example for their peers.

The State of Teen Driver Safety

Teen Driver Safety Week is observed nationally to raise awareness about the dangers teens face on the road. Did you know:

These facts underscore the importance of initiatives like ours, supported by State Farm, to ensure teens understand the gravity of driving safely. By emphasizing safety belt use, staying calm under pressure, and avoiding distractions, we can help teens become more confident, responsible drivers.

A Thank You to State Farm

We’re deeply grateful to State Farm for their ongoing commitment to teen driver safety. Their funding has made this video series possible, allowing us to reach more teens and parents with a message that could save lives. State Farm’s dedication to promoting safe driving habits helps reduce crashes and encourages safe behavior on the road—especially during Teen Driver Safety Week.

As we continue to share these videos throughout the week, we hope you’ll take a moment to reflect on your own driving habits and talk to your teen about the importance of safety behind the wheel. Together, we can make our roads safer for everyone!

Watch our PSA Videos!

Driving Boot Camp Day 1 – Safety Belts

Driving Boot Camp Day 18 – Drowsy Driving

Driving Boot Camp Day 47 – Road Rage

The Influencer:

State Farm Teen Driver Resource Center

Young drivers need a lot of time and practice to develop safe, defensive driving skills as well as confidence behind the wheel. The State Farm® Steer Clear – Teen Driver Resource Center is designed to help newer drivers learn and practice safe driving habits. Eligible drivers can get a State Farm® car insurance discount upon completion of the program requirements.

Special thanks to State Farm® for supporting the Ground Your Parents Campaign, Battle of the Belts program, and other teen driver safety projects in Florida.