Parent and Teen Safe Driving Contract

Teen driving risks are real. Though we’ve all had the experience of being a new driver, we don’t always remember the challenges and anxieties that came with it.

Your teen needs your help to stay safe on the road. Your involvement can make a difference.

Car crashes are the leading cause of preventable death for teens. Are you ready to keep your teen driver safe? Get started here with your own parent-teen driving agreement!

The Parent/Teen Safe-Driving Contract will help you sort out all of the questions and issues that arise when your teen gets behind the wheel.

Questions like:

  • When can the car be used?
  • Who will pay for gas and insurance?
  • What are rules around major driving risks, such as passengers and distractions?

The agreement is meant to be a flexible, changeable document with no rule or privilege set in stone. As your teen gains experience, you’ll want to give them more responsibility. Or, if your teen isn’t following the rules, you might need to tighten some restrictions.

Need printed materials?

Email us at: [email protected]

Thanks to funding by the Florida Department of Transportation, we can mail you free printed materials or send you the file so you can professionally print it yourself.