Motorcycle Safety Poster

Safe riding practices and cooperation from all road users will help reduce the number of fatalities and injuries on our nation’s highways. But it’s especially important for motorcyclist to wear the proper gear to keep them safe. Per vehicle miles traveled in 2019, motorcyclists were about 29 times more likely than passenger vehicle occupants to die in a motor vehicle crash and were 4 times more likely to be injured. By raising motorists’ awareness, both drivers and riders will be safer sharing the road. Learn more… 

Roadway Safety Tips for New Drivers

Download Social Media Kit

We’ve assembled 8 social media graphics and some supporting content for you to post to help raise awareness on Motorcycle Safety. Use the button below or click to download the Social Media Content Kit… Be sure to use the hashtag #FLTeenSafeDriver and #RideSmartFL.

Special thanks to our partner...

Ride Smart Florida is the communication and outreach extension of the Florida Motorcycle Safety Coalition, a group of safety partners from around the state who share the common goal of reducing fatalities of motorcycle riders and their passengers. Ride Smart Florida uses data-driven research to develop, implement and evaluate counter measures and works with safety partners around the state to reduce fatalities and serious injuries to motorcycle riders and their passengers.

The Florida Motorcycle Safety Coalition assists the state of Florida Motorcycle Safety Program with implementing the Motorcycle Safety Strategic Plan (MSSP) goals and strategies. The Program is funded primarily by Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act (Pub. L. No. 114-94) funds that support highway safety programs. The Coalition is led by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), with administrative assistance from the Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR) at the University of South Florida.

Ride Smart Florida is a complete resource for motorcyclists on education and training, safety strategies, motorcycle data, and more. It also provides help and support to local communities and motorcycle clubs with access to public service announcements (PSAs), motorcycle-related statistics, rider education information, and links to other websites related to motorcycle safety.

Need printed materials?

Email us at: [email protected]

Thanks to funding by the Florida Department of Transportation, we can mail you free printed materials or send you the file so you can professionally print it yourself.

Always Search for Motorcycles

Motorcyclists continue to be over-represented in traffic crashes, injuries, and fatalities as compared to passenger car operators. Visit our blog post using the button below to learn more, and download other motorcycle safety educational materials and driver education guides and activities.