Identifying and Avoiding Distractions While Driving

Identifying and Avoiding Distractions While Driving

For many teens, the excitement of getting a Driver License comes with a sense of freedom and independence. But with that independence also comes the responsibility to stay focused and safe on the road. Unfortunately, distracted driving is one of the leading causes of crashes among teen drivers. The combination of inexperience and distractions—whether it’s ...

Announcing the FREE Ground Your Parents Campaign Kit

Announcing the FREE Ground Your Parents Campaign Kit

We are pleased to announce the official launch of the Ground Your Parents Campaign, a collaboration with the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition and State Farm that is designed to be a fun and interactive tool for teens to encourage their parents and caregivers to make smart decisions while driving. The FREE kit will be ...

100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers

100 Deadliest Days for Teen Drivers

We're entering the most dangerous time of year for teen drivers The “100 Deadliest Days” is the period between Memorial Day and Labor Day when fatal teen crashes increase dramatically. Parents are the best line of defense to ensure a safe ride!  Teens drivers have a higher rate of fatal crashes, due to immaturity, lack of ...

Teens and Speeding: Breaking the Deadly Cycle

Teens and Speeding: Breaking the Deadly Cycle

The U.S. has a speeding problem. Driving at high rates of speed or too fast for conditions is one of the most prevalent factors contributing to serious and fatal crashes on our nation’s roadways. Over the past five years (2015-2019), speeding has claimed the lives of approximately one-third of all people killed in motor vehicle …