Cape Coral High School SADD Chapter Wins Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) PSA Contest
Efforts by Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition to educate teens on GDL Laws result in $1,000 monetary award, sponsored by AAA – The Auto Club Group, to Cape Coral High School.
CAPE CORAL, FL (May 01, 2020) – The Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition (FTSDC) is pleased to announce Cape Coral High School as the winner of the 2019-2020 Graduated Driver Licensing (GDL) Contest. In partnership with AAA – The Auto Club Group, the FTSDC hosted a public service announcement (PSA) contest to help high school students educate their peers about Graduated Driver Licensing laws. The PSAs promoted awareness of Graduated Driver Licensing provisions amongst teenagers with a positive message. Cape Coral High School will be awarded $1,000 in prize money, courtesy of AAA.
Graduated Driver Licensing is a gradual approach to granting teen drivers full license privileges. By allowing teen drivers to safely gain experience during structured hours, exposure to higher risk driving situations can be minimized.
“Most parents are unaware that curfew and passenger restrictions exist for their new teen driver,” said Melissa Valido, leader of the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition. “It’s our hope that continued education on this topic will aid to save lives and prevent injury. Cape Coral High School’s SADD Chapter found a very creative way to help us promote this message.”
“Graduated Driver Licensing provisions are proven effective in reducing teen crashes by up to 40%,” said Matt Nasworthy, Florida Public Affairs Director for AAA – The Auto Club Group. “We’re focused on supporting efforts to educate the community on this important topic and congratulate Cape Coral High School on a job well done.”
Learn more about GDL: https://flteensafedriver.org/graduated-driver-licensing/
For more information on keeping teen drivers safe, please visit: www.TeenDriving.AAA.com