This publicity release form is mandatory for all submissions to be considered.
This year, the Florida Teen Safe Driving Coalition is partnering with AAA to encourage high school students to create a Public Service Announcement (PSA) focused on positive messaging surrounding Graduated Driver Licensing. Prizes for the best PSAs under 60 seconds will be awarded to the 13 schools that demonstrate the best messages for Graduated Driver Licensing safety in the form of a video. This PSA must promote awareness of Graduated Driver Licensing provisions amongst teenagers, with a positive message.
Graduated Driver Licensing is a gradual approach to granting teen drivers full license privileges. By allowing teen drivers to safely gain experience during structured hours, exposure to higher risk driving situations can be minimized.
*In addition to the prizes above, a $500 Bonus Prize will be awarded to the school that has the most views on the designated YouTube Channel.
This publicity release form is mandatory for all submissions to be considered.
Try to answer the following questions throughout your submission.
Videos will be promoted to teens in Florida to help educate and inform on the laws of GDL. Video submissions may be showcased on our website and on our social media channels.
Official Contest Hashtag:
Please use the button to right to email your completed PSA video (including Consent Form), or send us any questions.