Traffic Safety Administrator

Chris Craig

Traffic Safety Administrator – Florida Department of Transportation

My job responsibilities: I oversee the administration of approximately 150 subgrants totaling 25 million per year for FDOT using NHTSA funding.

Why I joined the Coalition: The mission of Florida’s traffic safety coalitions align with my job duties and I enjoy working with experts around our state to reduce fatalities on our roadways.

Professional accomplishments: In 2014 I received the Leader of the Year award for FDOT.

Hobbies or areas of interest outside of work: Playing with my 6-year-old along with fitting in a little fishing and boating.

What was your favorite song when you were a teenager? I had way too many favorites to choose just one. But they were all on cassette if you can remember those times!

What make and model was your first car? 1984 Ford Mustang

What has changed most about driving from the time you were a teenager to now? The distractions caused by cell phones. When I was a teenager, hardly anyone had a cell phone, and even then, they did nothing but make a phone call.

The one tip I would give any new teen driver would be: Slow down and enjoy the ride.
